
Showing posts from February, 2019

Learning event 1

It is the morning after the first day of my first CofE NPQH module.  What a day yesterday was. It was jam packed full of fantastic thoughts, new ideas and information on the assignment. I am currently looking back through my notes after possibly the worst night sleep in a long time! So much for a good night away from the children, someone TV blaring until gone 1am, but never mind! So Jenny started with reflections on Psalm 23 and I loved the link to how it speaks of different aspects of leadership that we explored through the day. Andy Wolfe led us in a truly inspiring session on how vision can inspire passion and knowing SIAMs is coming up for us as a school I found this really helpful. Various documents that I hadn't seen were shared such as the ' Ethos Enhancing outcomes' and I will definitely be making use of the questions in these documents to make staff stop and reflect on new practise in light of the vision.  I also can see how it would be brilliant for gover

NPQH here I come

So nearly 6 months into my first headship time  to start juggling something else! At the end of this month I will start my CofeNPQH (church of England version of NPQH) and I couldn't be any more excited.  I am looking forward to discovering more about myself as a leader but also how I  can become the best head teacher both where I am now and for the rest of my career. I have to start a journal as part of the process so here is step 1- my blog will be my journal. Notes on reading, the process, looking at how to improve schools both 'home' and 'away'. It will all be here! First two days are at the end of the month which is coming around very quickly. Watch this space...