
Showing posts from March, 2013

Difficult decisions

Sometimes it feels like whatever direction I turn I can't make the right decision. Someone is going to be unhappy. I know leadership isn't about making people happy however having a demotivated staff and making them unhappy helps no one. So how do you turn around the morale and feelings of frustrations? I have tried listening and adjusting the timetable- starting after Easter- and I think it will work and be a better timetable. But I also feel called to address work/life balance. Especially after reading this article. So what's the solution. I think I need to start by looking at what the expectations are. How much above and beyond teaching are we asking. I admit I think it might scare me. As part of the difficult decision I will be job sharing a class instead of doing cover. Half of me is excited, the other half is terrified. Yes I've balenced the leadership responsibilites with class ones before but I also get attached. I want to do the best for my class. I see tea