
Showing posts from March, 2019

Learning event day 2

Romans 12:2 4-8 Be transformed by Gods renewing- God has placed me in this role not to hide my gifts away but to transform them. That being a leader is about stepping forward and showing others what God is doing. If your gift is to lead do it diligently- v8 what a challenge! My overnight reflections were mainly based on how: * People read me and know far more than I think.  * I need to take control of that and consider thoughtfully and prayerfully the change they will see when I return next week.  * To find ways to be a better servant leader.  * To focus on loving others, giving generously, to grow others. This led to me creating some Emerging leadership goals * to find ways to use key questions that I need to ask -to show vision is in practise and action within school * to feel more confident to answer those questions with gods help and to find different sources when needed * for both good teachers and great leaders questions are key! We