
Showing posts from October, 2012

valuing assessment

As part of a middle leadership course I am doing I wrote this blog post about my experience. As its far to early and I cant sleep I thought I would share it with you. Through my action research project I started off looking at how pupils in year 3 were seeming to make little or no progressduring the year. This was particuarly true in literacy. A culture of blaming the previous teacher or the ks1 SATs was common. The general feeling was that children were making progress however it was not being demonstrated by the assessment. Is that through our own school assessment practise? Was the assessment in year 2 accurate? There seemed more questions than answers when I first started this action research. I soon found I was not alone. However we are not an infant- junior school where there is much documented evidence about this problem... year 2 and 3 are even in the same building working alongside each other all year. As the middle leader in charge of year 2 and 3 I felt some responsibility

Not the best start to a year...

Well today I face the reality that, despite 6 weeks holiday, I am still suffering from post viral fatigue/chronic fatigue. As a busy, highly aspiring teacher accepting that I can not do everything is really hard.  As I learn to cope with this I hope that blogging, something I reguarly do with children will help me on this journey.  As this is my first blog post a bit of introduction to me...    Over the last 5 years that I have been teaching never have I felt like this.  I have always enjoyed the challenges of teaching and the further I progressed the more exciting opportunites have come up.  At the start of my second year I started leading ICT. It was fantastic because we were in the final stages of planning for a move into a brand new, state of the art, building.  I got to work alongside other staff to design what state of the art ICT would look like. We made some great decisions and some that haven't worked out quite as we would like.  Now a few years on I am still working